How to make a alarm wireless transmitter

It’s hard to find every sensor with wireless option, How to make hard wired sensor to be a wireless
sensor ?

Before read below information, you may need to prepare the soldering iron and require the basic training on electronic technology.

Now this tutorial will show you how to make a wireless door/window magnetic contact as a
wireless transmitter.

After you connect the wireless transmitter to hard wired sensor, you will get the wireless sensors.
1. Find the door/window magnetic contact, use the screw driver to open the cover.

2. Take out the PCB of wireless door/window contact.

3. Find the Reed Switch on the PCB of wireless door/window contact.

Wireless magnetic contact pcb

4. Now using the soldering iron take out the reed switch, then connect with two wires between two side.

wireless contact switch

5. Now you can connect the wireless transmitter to hard wired sensor

DIY wireless transmitter for hardwired alarm system